Get Real!

Finding ways to enjoy the hell out of life, while on our journey towards a healthy, authentic and passion-filled life.

New Years Resolutions?? Um, Yes!

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Why I absolutely agree with setting New Year Resolutions??

A lot of things in life may seem arbitrary. Some of the holidays we celebrate, or the traditions that most participate in.

And I totally agree that we needn’t wait for the passing of a year to set goals, intentions, or resolutions for ourselves. But if the New Year can be used as a time to reflect (on our past year, and all the ones before it) and contemplate what we want out of life and our of ourselves going forward? Who could possibly construe that as a bad thing?

The thing is though, don’t choose goals that you aren’t truly passionate about. While I still like having a more tangible list too (publish my book, have lasik eye surgery, see my dad, get on a regular workout routine, kill this tumor with HIFU, minimalizing my bedroom space, etc.), I also really agree with Danielle Laporte  (look her up, she’s awesome) that we really need to focus most on the feelings that we want to have – that’s what’s most important because the things will follow. How do we want to feel day to day. For example, I want to feel passionate, committed, unique, strong and free.

So tangible, or intangible, why not use this day to think about what you want the next year of your life to look like? If you never think about this, never resolve to do better, never take action to make your life better — well then, none of it will ever be possible.

It’s sort of one of the reasons I decided to really end this year with a bang (big weekend in Reno ringing in the new year at the resort, then a long spa day tomorrow while the honey is doing his most favorite thing – snowboarding – with a super fancy steak dinner that night)… because I really am celebrating something. This state of mind. That even though things are not quite how I want them to be now, they can be, and they will be soon. In fact, they are as soon as I believe they are. Oh yeah, and fuck you cold! You will not stop me!

Happy New Year! What are your resolutions??? 🙂

One thought on “New Years Resolutions?? Um, Yes!

  1. May you have an awesome end of the year and an even more awesome new year!

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